Simmered Seitan With Cold Udon Noodles and Peanut Sauce

Simmered seitan can be a bit more fiddly to make than steamed, as it requires you set time aside to actually keep an eye on the simmering pot and ensure the simmering continues without advancing into too strong of a boil. It had it’s advantages though. The resulting seitan is more ‘steak-like’ in texture, and has a rich meaty flavour.

When the weather gets warmer, the cold udon noodle dish usually makes an appearance. It has that perfect balance of refreshing, from the cold udon noodles and veggies, and rich with the dense peanut sauce over the seitan strips. Don’t forget to squeeze a little lime over the top to add that extra ‘zing!’.

We’ve once again got Isa Chandra Moskowitz to thank for this recipe. I’ve included copies from her book ‘Vegan With A Vengence’ below. This was actually the first of her books that we got, a much loved gift from a friend. Don’t mind the messy pages! It just goes to prove how well loved this is…

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Vegan Lemon Meringue Pie – The Wonders of Aquafaba

Many of us have heard of ‘aquafaba’ now. The juice out of cans of chickpeas can be used to make vegan meringues, and as more people experiment we are discovering more ways it can be adapted to suit many of the complex uses of egg meringue.

So do you want to make your own vegan lemon meringue pie? Did you think going vegan would mean you would have to miss out on treats like this? Not at all! Here’s the recipe!

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Chicky Seitan Burgers


It happens to all of us, no use denying it. You crave foods from your pre-vegan days. Well, the good news is, if it’s a chicken burger you’re craving, you can have your burger and eat it too with this ‘Steamed Chicky Seitan’ burger from Isa Does It.

Here’s a running guide if you would like to skip ahead at any point:
0:00 “Intro”
0:05 “The Recipe”
0:18 “Meet’n’Greet-ients” (Meet The Ingredients? No? I Tried!)
2:30 “The Preparation”
6:43 “Wrapping Your Burgers”
11:50 “The First Finish” (You Can Have More Than One. Who Knew!?)
13:40 “Make It Smaller!” (That’s What She Said)
14:40 “One Final Tip” (That’s How She Lies To Herself)
15:25 “Serving Suggestions” (We Promise Ours Are Better Than The Cereal Box)

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Mum Makes Vegan “Unprocessed” Cheese Slices

Turns out Mum enjoyed cooking for YouTube. So here’s another episode of cooking with Mum. This time we have this easy homemade vegan cheese, which is great for adding to baked dishes such as lasagna, or cheese melties. I myself ate one this morning stirred into some baked beans, which created a delightful creamy cheesy sauce.

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Save the gorillas! Recycle your phone!

We’ve all done it. You cycle through phone after phone on one of those 24 month plans, and then when the time is up you start up your new phone, put the old phone in a drawer and think “I’ll definitely transfer all the data from that, do a factory reset, and dispose of it correctly.”

But then it sits there.

And sits there.

And you forget about it. Probably forever.

(Or, at least, I hope we’ve all done this, because otherwise my hoarding is worse than I thought!)

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Starting My Bullet Journal

Just recently, I went on one of those late evening YouTube binges. You know the ones, where you just keep clicking funny looking thumbnails in the sidebar? Well in doing so, I made a discovery.

‘Bullet Journalling’ is a particular journalling style developed by designer Ryder Carroll, to allow to rapid logging of information and tasks. Having attained a cult following among the Pinterest crowd, one can now find thousands of iterations and styles inspired from the original idea.

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March for the Murdered Million


Please enjoy my reflection on the ‘March for the Murdered Million’, which occurred around the country on Sunday to support a ban on greyhound racing.

Here are the two petitions you can sign for SA: